Veteran Student Services

Education Benefits

博天堂官方的退伍军人办公室在这里帮助退伍军人,在职军人学生, 和军事联系的学生导航许多不同类型的教育 Benefits available. Below is a brief breakdown of the different types of benefits available. For more information please see our Outside Resources page or contact our Veterans Office.

总的来说,有三类福利,VA联邦退伍军人法案®福利,军事 Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits, and State of Oregon benefits. On this page, benefits are outlined by student type. If you have questions about what category a student benefit is, please see the chart at the bottom of the page.

Veteran Benefits

Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill®
  • Funds Paid to Student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – NO
  • Book allowance – NO

这个福利是直接支付给学生的,它应该大约到达 beginning of the month following the month the student earned it. In other words, 如果学生在9月份入学,他们的第一笔福利预计会到来 around the beginning of October.

有了这个福利,退伍军人负责支付他们的到期余额 student account.

请注意:退伍军人事务部正在逐步取消这种福利类型,转而支持第33章:Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits.

Chapter 31: VR&E
  • Funds paid to student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance - YES

Veterans Readiness & Employment (formerly called Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment) 为有服务相关残疾的退伍军人提供服务 他们准备、获得并保持合适的工作或实现独立 in daily living.

Please note: VR&E is an Employment Program, not just a VA Educational Benefit. As an Employment Program, VR&E uses education benefits as a way to assist the Veteran become job ready.


  • Veteran is or will be discharged under other than dishonorable conditions
  • 退伍军人导致或加重了与服役有关的残疾 to VA disability compensation of 20% or greater
  • 退伍军人需要职业康复,因为他们的服务相关的残疾 creating an employment handicap

Evaluation by a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) is required. If a counselor 确定由于服务相关残疾而存在就业障碍, the Veteran will be entitled to services. The Veteran will work with the counselor to develop a plan to address rehabilitation and employment needs.

After Veteran is awarded VR&E Benefits:

  • Counselor sends authorization to 博天堂官方’s Veterans Office
  • 博天堂官方退伍军人办公室将处理授权并通知商务办公室
  • 退伍军人将能够在博天堂官方书店收取书籍和用品费用
  • 辅导员可以通过博天堂官方书店授权购买笔记本电脑 as part of supplies covered by this benefit. The counselor must provide written authorization to the Veterans Office if this charge is approved.
Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill®
  • Funds paid to student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book Allowance – Yes

有了这个福利,退伍军人每月领取住房津贴(MHA) the cost of living where 博天堂官方 is located (Linn County). You can see current MHA amounts on the GI Bill ® Comparison Tool by searching for Linn Benton Community College.

Please note: In order to receive the full MHA, you must be enrolled full-time.

Charges Covered

学费、杂费、课程费和额外的学费都包括在这项福利中. 在每学期的添加/删除截止日期之后,博天堂官方退伍军人办公室将通知VA of the amount for each eligible Veteran student.

Book and Access Charges linked to courses are not considered part of Tuition / Fees. The Veteran student is responsible for these charges as they are covered by the Book Allowance the Veteran receives.

每年的书籍和用品津贴直接支付给退伍军人学生. 每年1000美元的津贴是根据入学率按比例分配的.

Be Aware of Your Award

虽然许多退伍军人学生获得了第33章100%的福利 ,任何获得低于该覆盖率的退伍军人学生负责 balance due after the VA pays.


In-Service Military Students

Chapter 1606: Montgomery GI Bill® Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) 
  • Funds paid to student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – NO
  • Book allowance – NO

第1606章:MGIB-SR计划为符合条件的人提供教育和培训福利 后备役队员包括陆军、海军、空军、海军陆战队、 or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard. Eligibility for 该计划由选定的储备组成部分决定,VA进行支付.

自2021年5月5日起,参加半天或半天以上课程的在职学生可以 receive both Military TA and Chapter 1606 benefits.

  • Funds paid to student – NO
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance – NO

ArmyIgnitED is the Army’s Tuition Assistance (TA) platform. Through this platform students can 提交他们的教育计划(与博天堂官方的学术顾问一起制定)并提出要求 funding for specific courses.

一般而言,合资格的现役军人可获166元的津贴.67 per quarter hour credit with an annual ceiling of $4,500. This amount does not cover mandatory fees or course fees but does cover additional tuition fees. In-Service students are responsible for any balance not covered by TA funds.

自2021年5月5日起,参加半天或半天以上课程的在职学生可以 receive both Military TA and Chapter 1606 benefits.

学费援助申请(TARs)可以通过armyignite系统提交 starting 60 days before the start of term date. 所有表格必须在学期开始前不迟于8天提交.

Department of Defense Tuition Assistance
  • Funds paid to student – NO
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance – NO

在职学生必须获得所在单位的批准,才能获得学费资助 their Education Services Officer (ESO) or representative.

Each military branch has its own TA application form and procedures. Visit your local 安装教育中心或到网上的虚拟教育中心进行当前的安装 information and procedures.

The DoD also offers a dynamic information and comparison tool: TA DECIDE. 该工具旨在帮助国防部技术助理项目的参与者制定信息 choices regarding schools and educational programs.

State Tuition Assistance – Oregon National Guard Tuition Assistance
  • Funds paid to student – NO
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance – NO

有关资格要求的完整列表,请申请ONG-STA和了解更多信息 please visit the HECC Office of Student Access and Completion Website.

This grant can be used for up to 90 credits at an Oregon community college. Award 数额取决于学生就读的院校类型及其资格 for other military tuition assistance.

  • Eligible service members must, at a minimum:
  • Complete any military basic training
  • Have a current passing Annual Physical Fitness Test score (APFT)
  • Be in good standing with their unit
  • Not have achieved an associate’s degree or higher
  • Not be in default of any federal loans


Military-Connected Students (Spouses & Dependents of Veterans)

Chapter 35: Survivors & Dependents (DEA)
  • Funds paid to student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – NO
  • Book allowance – NO

幸存者和家属教育援助(DEA)项目提供教育 为符合条件的永久退伍军人家属提供培训机会 和完全残疾,因为服务相关的条件或退伍军人死于 on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.

这项福利是直接支付给学生的,它应该在大约一开始就到达 of the month following the month the student earned it. In other words, if a student 九月开学,他们的第一份福利预计一开始就会到来 of October.

Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill® Transfer of Benefits (ToE) 
  • Funds paid to student – YES
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance – YES

第33章:后9/11退伍军人法案®是唯一可转让的VA教育福利. 此选项允许服务成员将全部或部分未使用的福利转移到他们的 spouse or dependents. The request to transfer unused GI Bill® benefits to eligible 家属必须在作为现役军人服役期间填写. 国防部(DoD)决定你是否可以转移福利 to your family. Once the DoD approves benefits for transfer, the new beneficiaries apply for them at VA.

State of Oregon Tuition Waiver 
  • Funds paid to student – NO
  • Tuition / Fees paid to school – YES
  • Book allowance – NO

博天堂官方为合格的服务成员的家属提供最后一美元的学费减免 要么在服役期间死亡,要么在服役期间完全残疾, or died as a result of a disability sustained in active duty.

Qualifying Criteria:

  • An Oregon resident at the time of application
  • 首次申请时年龄在23岁或以下的受抚养人或配偶 Veteran rated at 100% Disability through the VA
  • VA Certified death certificate of service member or
  • VA letter stating Veteran’s disability rating or
  • Veteran’s DD 214 that states receipt of Purple Heart in 2001 or thereafter
  • 完全被录取的学生,并注册了证书课程或副学士学位
  • Student must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress standards
  • NOT receiving the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship

Dependents must be in good academic and financial aid standing.  Waiver is available to students admitted to a certificate or degree program only; maximum 67 credits for a one-year certificate or 135 credits for a two-year associate degree. An eligible child must be 23 years of age or under at the time of the waiver application. This benefit may not be applied to previously attended terms.

The waiver only covers tuition and mandatory fees. Any course fees not covered is the responsibility of the student. As a last-dollar paid waiver, the State of Oregon 如果帐户上的余额由其他联邦政府支付,则不适用学费减免 or state grants. 

Eligibility for Chapter 35: Survivors & Dependents (DEA) benefits will not be used as a verification or disqualification for the tuition waiver.

学生必须在每个学期完成注册验证表 apply the tuition waiver. Dual enrolled students are only eligible to receive the 在博天堂官方就读的课程,只要博天堂官方是他们申报的家庭学校.

申请表和所有证明文件必须由博天堂官方退伍军人收到 Office at least 2 weeks before the start of the applying term.

Apply for State of Oregon Tuition Waiver



Category of Benefit Chart


Category →

Benefit ↓

VA Federal GI Bill®

DoD Military Tuition Assistance

State of Oregon Benefit

Benefits for Veteran Students

Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill®




Chapter 31: VR&E Benefits




Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill®




Benefits for In-Service Military Students

Chapter 1606: MGIB-SR









DoD Tuition Assistance Request




State Tuition Assistance




Benefits for Military Connected Students

Chapter 35: Survivors & Dependents




Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill® TOE




State of Oregon Tuition Waiver





Benefit Comparison Charts 

Veteran Student Benefits


Funds Paid to Student

Tuition / Fees Paid to School

Book Allowance

Chapter 30: Montgomery GI Bill®




Chapter 31: VR&E Benefits

X – Housing Allowance



Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill®

X – Housing Allowance



In-Service Military Student Benefits


Funds Paid to Student

Tuition / Fees Paid to School

Book Allowance

Chapter 1606: MGIB-SR







X – Tuition Only


DoD Tuition Assistance Request


X – Tuition Only


State Tuition Assistance




Military-Connected Student Benefits  


Funds Paid to Student

Tuition / Fees Paid to School

Book Allowance

Chapter 35: Survivors & Dependents




Chapter 33: Post 9/11 GI Bill® TOE

X – Housing Allowance



State of Oregon Tuition Waiver