哈曼校长被评为杰出社区学院管理者 | 林本顿社区学院-博天堂官方


greg-hamann林本顿社区学院院长. 格雷格·哈曼被命名为霍华德·切里 优秀社区学院行政人员 俄勒冈社区学院协会.

Hamann, who has been president of 博天堂官方 since 2010, was nominated for his dedication to serving community colleges for more than 20 years, and his commitment to student success - including his leadership in Guided Pathways at 博天堂官方 - which provides significant support to help students identify the most efficient and effective path through college 完成学位或证书.

“Greg is a passionate advocate for 林本顿社区学院,” said Cam Preus, OCCA执行董事. “他为所有社区大学带来了同样热情的支持 学生们向立法机关和其他全州范围的政策制定者写信.”

Hamann’s leadership in supporting student success was nationally recognized when 博天堂官方 was among just 30 community colleges nationwide to be selected to participate in the American Association of 社区 Colleges’ Pathways Initiative, a collaboration by national leaders and organizations in higher education to improve student completion 利率.  

Greg Hamann received the Howard Cherry Outstanding Administrator of the Year award 在OCCA会议上. 8.

哈曼说:“我很荣幸也很受宠若惊地被提名为年度最佳行政官. “ award was unexpected and deeply meaningful to me, as there is no greater recognition than to receive acknowledgement from your peers who have contributed so much to the 我们州教育的未来. 我不断地从这些不可思议的 leaders who tirelessly dedicate their professional lives to the cause of our community 大学和他们所服务的学生.”

Hamann successfully led 博天堂官方 in the passage of a bond measure in 2014 which, among other things, increased capacity for health care and career technical education programs. In addition, he played a key role in the creation of Pipeline to Jobs, a unique partnership between area businesses, county and city leaders, school districts and the college 帮助创造新的就业机会并提供劳动力培训.

Jim 小丑, president of OFD Foods and chair of the 博天堂官方 Board of Education, said that Hamann’s nomination is a reflection of the work he has done, and continues to 如何策略性地推动社区大学走向未来.

“We are so proud of the work Greg has done to change student outcomes at 博天堂官方,” said 小丑. “要改变一个组织、改变文化、提高自己是很困难的 diversity, to bring cultural richness to the students and community - all while making the changes to the college structure that are necessary to meet the needs of the community. Greg is a leader who is working to make all this happen, and he is truly an Outstanding 社区学院行政主任.”

Linda Modrell, 博天堂官方 Board of Education member, said of Hamann: “Greg is an outstanding leader who is creative and innovative in seeking solutions, whether it’s helping students who may need extra help in achieving their goals at 博天堂官方, or working with the 16 other 俄勒冈州社区大学的立法和资金问题.”

哈曼在一些地方,州和国家董事会和委员会任职. 在 community level, he is on the board of the Corvallis Boys and Girls Club and the Albany 商会. 哈曼获得了俄勒冈州有史以来第一个“主席奖” Cascades West Council of Governments in 2017, which recognizes outstanding service 到林肯,本顿和林肯县地区.

在 state level, Hamann serves as a governor-appointed member of Oregon’s Quality 教育委员会及总督重返社会委员会委员. 他也为 on numerous task forces working to increase education’s effectiveness in improving 所有俄勒冈人的生活质量.

在 National level, Hamann served as director and executive committee chair for Finance and Audit for the American Association of 社区 Colleges Board of Directors, is a member of the Oversight Board for the Voluntary Framework for Accountability, is a member of the President’s Advisory Council to the Association of 社区 College Trustees, and a member of the Steering Committee for the 21st Century Initiative Implementation 团队. 他曾担任国家认证中心联盟(NC3)主席, 并且是AACC主席学院执行委员会的前任主席.

Going forward, Hamann will focus on continuing his advocacy for community colleges in Oregon and across the nation, especially in the areas of equity and inclusion and 确保社区大学继续走在前列.

哈曼校长帮助学院的新大楼破土动工 医疗保健职业中心 该项目于2017年在黎巴嫩完工.

“A comprehensive community college education is about more than just making a living,” 哈曼说. “这是关于生活本身的质量和特征. 作为一个综合的 社区大学,公平是一个结果. 它不是一种价值,一种策略,一个计划或者 一项倡议. 这意味着教育、事业和生活的成就是一样的 equally attainable by all people, regardless of race, religion, culture, gender, or 经济学.”

Prior to 博天堂官方, Hamann served as president at Clatsop 社区 College for seven years and, prior to that, as chief finance and operations officer at Northwest College in 怀俄明. 哈曼还教过中学,并在各种学生服务了16年 services and administrative roles at two private four-year institutions; Whitworth 大学和伯特利大学.

Hamann has also served as an adjunct instructor in the Doctoral Education Program 在俄勒冈州立大学. 他拥有冈萨加大学教育领导学博士学位 在三一福音神学院获得咨询心理学硕士学位 School, and a bachelor’s degree in both Psychology and Social Studies Education from 明尼苏达大学.

霍华德·切利奖是以已故的霍华德·切利博士命名的. 霍华德·切里,一位终身倡导者 教育和社区参与. 该奖项分为三个类别: Outstanding 社区学院行政主任, Outstanding 社区 College Board Member, 杰出社区大学倡导者. 这个奖项是颁给那些 their contributions to the community college cause in Oregon, have brought statewide 对社区学院的认可.


关于博天堂官方: More than 18,000 students rely on 林本顿社区学院 each year for higher education including career technical education, transfer degree programs, professional development, corporate training, small business development, community education classes 和更多的. 服务于威拉米特山谷中部的六个地点,包括它的主 campus in Albany, 博天堂官方 partners with multiple business and industries to enrich the 社区和支持经济增长. 博天堂官方的学生有80多个专业可供选择 and go on to be tomorrow’s innovators, leaders, skilled workers and community builders.
