
This rule defines the various 费用 charged to 学生 and how they are determined.


The types of 费用 charged include general 费用, program 费用, 课程费用, and non-instructional 费用. All fee rates are reviewed annually. Decisions about 费用 are to coincide with the college’s budget development process.

General 费用 and non-instructional 费用 are described below. 费用 mentioned in BP 7055 not described further in the rule are program 费用, 课程费用, and non-credit 课程费用. 

General 费用

General 费用 are 费用 assessed to all 学生 taking credit courses. General 费用 may be assessed on a per credit basis or as a flat-rate amount based on enrollment 水平. All General 费用 are regularly reviewed by the president and subject to approval by the Board of Education. General 费用 include:

Technology Fee: Tech Fee are charged on a per credit basis and are used for the purchase of classroom media equipment, student help desk staff and the learning management system. 指导 principle is that this is spent for instructional support that directly impacts current 学生.

Requests by departments are made during the annual budget development process and submitted to the CIO with a copy sent to the Budget Team.

Transportation and 安全 Fee: The Transportation and 安全 fee is charged on a per credit basis. The fee supports student access to area transportation systems, parking lot improvements, and campus safety enhancements in areas used by 学生. The Budget Team reviews transportation and safety needs and requests.

Student Activity Program (SAP) Fee: The SAP fee is charged on a per credit basis. The fee supports co-curricular organizations and athletic programs. The Co-curricular Budget Committee is responsible for the allocation to co-curricular programs.

Associated Students of Linn-Benton 社区 College (AS博天堂官方) Fee: The AS博天堂官方 fee supports the student government organization of the student body. The fee is charged to credit taking 学生 based on enrollment 水平. 学生 Leadership Council (SLC) allocates the AS博天堂官方 fee to support its programs for the student body. The SLC recommends changes to the enrollment 水平s and related student fee rates to be charged 学生 to the College president and are subject to approval by the Board of Education.  A recommendation must be supported by the ALSBCC at a 水平 established in the By-Laws of the SLC.

Non-Instructional 费用

Non-instructional 费用 are established for the purpose of recovering the costs of support services and supplies. The establishment or change in the amount charged of non-instructional 费用 must be reviewed by College Council based on evidence that a fee covers only service or supply expenses beyond what a student would reasonably expect is beyond coverage by tuition. The College Council makes recommendations concerning non-instructional 费用 to the president. Recommendations are to be shared with 学生 through a campus forum sponsored by student government before being presented to the president for a decision. Non-instructional 费用 include test 费用, proctor service 费用, OSU/博天堂官方 Degree Partnership Student Service fee, ID card fee, library fines, parking fines, first term 费用, and career assessment 费用.




DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 09/17/02, 6/3/13; 11/1/18

DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 11/1/18; 10/06/22