管理规则编号:ar5035 -10




It is the responsibility of 博天堂官方 to acquire materials and services 要求 to perform 业务相关的工作. Below are guidelines pertaining to allowable and non-allowable 杂项支出.

  1. 会费及会籍

    Professional organizations/civic clubs/chambers of commerce

    1. Personal and institutional memberships in professional organizations may be paid for with 大学基金 when such memberships are directly beneficial to the college and 与员工的工作相关.
    2. Memberships in civic organizations and chambers of commerce may be paid for when an 员工的大学职责要求这样的会员资格. 员工主管的批准 是必需的.
  2. 在会议上提供的团体餐
    1. On-campus meetings/off-campus meetings/out-of-district meetings:

      餐 may be paid for with 大学基金 if 员工 is directed to attend a meeting at which college business is conducted and the meal is a part of the agenda.  提供 or paying for meals should not be a routing function of doing college business and 员工应该尽量减少这种情况的发生.  需要主管批准.

    2. 托管专业伙伴

      The college recognizes that situations often arise where prudent judgment and customary practice indicate that furtherance of the college's interests will be best accomplished by incurring the expense involved as host for a college business- related meal. 餐 provided for non-博天堂官方 employees for the purpose of developing a college relationship or for promoting goodwill are reimbursable, provided that such meals are furnished 在有利于商务讨论的气氛中. 在适用的情况下,这顿饭应该 be paid for and reported by the most senior college employee in attendance.  例程 operational meetings are not considered allowable hosting functions.  支出 是否应该记录托管活动的独特性质.  主管批准 要求.

    3. Receptions/recognition events/staff development 活动

      餐 may be paid for with 大学基金 if the event relates to college business.  例程 operational staff trainings/meetings are not considered allowable development 活动.  支出 should document the unique nature of the event.  主管 需要批准.

    4. 生日或纪念日/个人事件/退休

      餐 for these types of 活动 may not be purchased with 大学基金. 然而, a meal for a retiree and his/her guest at a retirement dinner may be paid for with 大学基金.

    5. 酒精


  3. 会议上提供的茶点
    1. Business-related receptions/business-related recognition events/guests of 博天堂官方/staff 会议/退休:

      Refreshments may be paid for with 大学基金 when an event represents a unique 或者与学校事务有关的特殊事件.  员工会议的茶点 should be limited to extended trainings/meetings that cannot be reasonable aligned 有正常的工作和休息安排. 

    2. 生日或纪念日/个人事件

      Refreshments for these types of 活动 may not be purchased with 大学基金.

    3. 酒精


  4. 杂项
    1. 赞赏、哀悼或认可的物品

      The college may pay for items of appreciation, condolence, or recognition if the 活动/events to be recognized are extraordinary in nature and relate to college business. 一个发起者 需要签字和主管批准签字. 此类采购应是: 不经常购买的物品应当是面值.

    2. 订阅,期刊

      Subscriptions and journals that are necessary and 要求 in performance of an employee's job qualify for use of 大学基金; those that directly relate, or are beneficial to 员工's job may be reimbursed from 大学基金 with supervisor 批准.  部门 should determine in college-wide, institutional subscriptions exist through the 图书馆 or other central offices before incurring departmental charges.  

    3. 商务相关个人手机的使用

      Employees may be reimbursed for business related calls that appear on 员工's 个人手机发票. In order to be reimbursed, a charge specific to the business call must appear on the invoice, and 员工 cannot be receiving a monthly stipend for business use of a personal cellular phone (see Administrative Rule 5045-03). 细胞 phone charges shall be submitted monthly on a reimbursement form with a copy of the 业务相关电话发票. 任何报销请求必须包括 员工和主管签字. 学院不会做的 payments directly to a vendor for an employee's purchase of a cell phone, plan, or 分钟用.

    4. 其他物品

      杂项 items that are 要求 to support instructional or operational functions 可以用适当的文件报销吗. 需要主管批准.

  5. 不允许费用
    1. 不合理的项目

      The college expects 博天堂官方 employees to be prudent in incurring college-related expenditures. Failure to comply with established procedures may result in personal liability to 员工.

    2. 个人物品

      Personal use items, including such things as aspirin, holiday decorations, coffee, and other personal refreshments, are not allowable college expenses. 这是不合适的 for any 博天堂官方 employee to utilize the college purchasing process (purchasing card, purchase order, invoice voucher) for any non-official business purchases. 制裁 may be imposed for violations, including oral or written warnings or reprimands, suspension with or without pay for specified periods of time, or termination of employment.

  6. 批准

    College-related expenditure reimbursements will be paid only with proper 批准. Reimbursement requests require both employee and supervisor of record or designee 批准.

    Those approving expenses are responsible for assuring that the reimbursements:

    1. 遵守学校政策;
    2. 有足够的文件证明有关开支;
    3. are valid and reasonable; and
    4. reflect minimum expense levels consistent with the accomplishment of college interest.
  7. 文档
    Itemized receipts are 要求 for reimbursement of college-related expenditures. Copies of canceled checks and credit card receipts are acceptable with an itemized 清单上.

DATE(S) OF REVISION(S): 04/17/01; 02/03/09; 05/02/11; 10/31/16; 11/5/2020